Keto Tales: Avocados, Donuts, and Bacon—Oh My!

Keto Tales: Avocados, Donuts, and Bacon—Oh My!

The First Avocado Encounter

Picture this: I’m standing in the produce aisle, staring at a perfectly ripe avocado. Its green skin winks at me, whispering, “I’m your ticket to ketosis.” That’s when it all began. I bought that avocado, took it home, and sliced it like a pro. The creamy goodness? Mind-blowing. From that moment, I knew avocados and I were destined for greatness.

The Keto Flu Saga

Ah, the infamous keto flu—a rite of passage. It hit me like a ton of cauliflower. Headache? Check. Fatigue? Oh, you bet. But I soldiered on, sipping bone broth and chanting, “Electrolytes, my friends!” It was like battling a tiny storm inside my body. But guess what? I survived. And those ketones? They danced a victory jig.

The Office Donut Temptation

Office life: fluorescent lights, endless meetings, and that devilish pink box—the donut box. But armed with my keto resolve, I resisted. I’d stare at those glazed rings, mentally calculating net carbs. “Not today, sugar bomb,” I’d whisper. And you know what? My coworkers thought I was a Zen master. Little did they know, it was all about macros.

The Keto Brain Boost

One day, mid-keto, I sat down to work. My brain hummed like a turbocharged engine. Ideas flowed—like a waterfall of clarity. I solved problems faster than a keto-adapted cheetah. It was like upgrading from dial-up internet to fibre optics. Ketones, my friends, are the brain’s secret weapon.

The Stealthy Hidden Carbs

I thought I had it all figured out. But then came the hidden carbs—those sneaky ninjas. Sauces, dressings, even innocent-looking veggies. They’d creep into my macros like uninvited guests at a keto party. But fear not! I became a label-reading ninja. “Show me your net carbs,” I’d demand. And they’d cower.

The Magnesium Chronicles

Maggy, my trusty magnesium pill, deserves a shoutout. She kept my muscles cramp-free. We’d chat like old pals. “Maggy,” I’d say, “you’re my knight in shining electrolytes.” And she’d sparkle (figuratively, of course).

The Keto Community

Keto isn’t a solo gig. I found my tribe—the keto warriors. We swapped recipes, celebrated non-scale victories, and debated the merits of zoodles. We were like a secret society, decoding ketosis one cauliflower rice bowl at a time.

The Scale Dance

Ah, the scale—the fickle oracle. Some days it’d high-five me; other days, it’d play hard to get. But I learned: weight isn’t everything. Energy, mental clarity, and feeling like a superhero—those were my real victories.

The Midnight Bacon Cravings

Late-night cravings? Bacon to the rescue! I’d fry it up like a rebel, savouring each crispy bite. Keto taught me that bacon isn’t just food; it’s a love language.

The Keto Legacy

So here I am, Ben, sharing my keto saga. It’s not just about macros and ketones; it’s about reclaiming my health, one avocado at a time. So go forth, fellow keto adventurer. May your macros be precise, your avocados ripe, and your ketones dance like nobody’s watching.

Remember, keto isn’t just a diet; it’s a delicious, fat-fuelled journey. 🥑🔥


This information is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. It’s important to consult with your doctor before starting any new diet, including keto, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. They can advise you on whether keto is right for you and help you create a safe and effective plan.