What’s the Buzz About MCT Oil? Benefits and Everyday Uses

What’s the Buzz About MCT Oil? Benefits and Everyday Uses

Righto, MCT oil’s been everywhere lately, so what’s the crack? Don’t stress, we’ll sort it out.

What is MCT Oil, aye?

MCT stands for medium-chain triglyceride, but chuck the fancy name. It’s basically oil from coconuts (and sometimes palm kernels) that your body absorbs and uses for energy easier than most other fats.

Why Should You Chuck a Dink About It?

Here’s why MCT oil is all the rage:

  • Energy Booster: MCTs turn into energy quickly, which is why athletes and keto dieters reckon it’s the duck’s guts.
  • Weight Management: MCT oil can help you feel fuller for longer and might even give your metabolism a kick up the bum to burn more calories.
  • Brain Power: Those energy-boosting MCTs might also be good for your brain! Studies reckon they could improve your memory and even help with Alzheimer’s.
  • Workout Warrior: Feeling crook before the gym? MCT oil might give you that extra bit of oomph to smash out your workout.
  • Happy Gut: MCT oil can help keep your gut healthy by keeping the good bacteria in check.

How to Use MCT Oil

MCT oil’s a ripper ingredient you can chuck in your everyday:

  • Mix it In: Blend it into smoothies, coffee, or salad dressing. It goes with pretty much anything!
  • Light Cooking: MCT oil is awesome for cooking on low or medium heat, like chucking it in with your veggies or adding it to soups and sauces.
  • Bulletproof Coffee: Ever heard of this? It’s a mix of coffee, MCT oil, and butter or ghee, popular for giving you a clear and energised start to the day.
  • Pre-Workout Boost: Take a spoonful of MCT oil before your workout for an extra whack of energy.
  • Keto Mate: If you’re on a keto diet, MCT oil is your best mate. It helps your body produce ketones, which are dead set important for staying in ketosis and burning fat.
  • Skincare Saviour: Some people whack MCT oil straight on their skin for moisturising and getting rid of acne, thanks to its antimicrobial properties.

The Takeaway

MCT oil’s a handy addition to your diet, whether you want an energy boost, smash your workouts, or just chuck in some extra health benefits to your meals. Give it a go and see how it goes! But remember, always have a chat with your doctor before starting any new supplements.


This information is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider before adding new supplements to your routine.