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120 Hours and Counting: My Water Fast Journey

120 Hours and Counting: My Water Fast Journey

I’m embarking on a 120-hour water fast, and I’m here to document the entire experience! Buckle up, ...

Getting to Know Autophagy: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Try It Out

Getting to Know Autophagy: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Try It Out

What’s Autophagy All About? Autophagy might sound like a big, fancy word, but it’s basically y ...

Taming Stubborn Belly Fat: A Guide to Battling Visceral Fat

Taming Stubborn Belly Fat: A Guide to Battling Visceral Fat

Belly fat, especially the sneaky kind known as visceral fat, is more than just a cosmetic concern. I ...